i've decided to sell off my old car and get a new one. it took me exactly 8 months to decide what car to buy... (this is very typical of me). you see, i'm not really a big fan of cars.. i don't even like to drive. if u ask my friends, they can definitely vouch to that. kalau ada apa2 event that needs us to carpool, i'd be the last one to volunteer.. eheh. ntahla.. driving is not really a leisure thing for me. i mean, u have to focus yr attention on the road, take your chances with the traffic jam.. bear with the idiots on the road (the signals are there for a purpose ppl!!) etc. etc. that's why i can't understand how some ppl can say that driving can be a stress-relieving activity.
that’s why when it comes to buying a car, i was in a dilemma for quite a long time. for me, small is good. u can slide through narrow spaces easily and park at spots where bigger cars can't (a real advantage if you work where i work). the other thing - cheap is also good. if i can't find enjoyment in driving (regardless of what car i drive).. why would i want to spend more money to get a better car? moreover, the higher the value of the car, the more it depreciates in value every year. i would much rather dump the excess fund to buy another apartment or something.. something that appreciates in value over time..
in the end, i decided to get a proton savvy (do i see jaws dropping?). i am very well aware of the public perception towards the car, but frankly i don't care. i think it's an OK car that suits my budget and my needs. my only worry is the re-sale value.. but there is no way that i can know about that now.. itu kena berserah je la. my family (as usual) does not agree with my choice of car. Most of my friends still don’t know that I’m getting a savvy… i don’t think they’re going to be very supportive about it. i can foresee being a popular conversation topic in the few weeks to come (not in flattering way mind u) could I care less? apparently yes. it’s not like they’re going to pay for my monthly installments… and i don’t mean to brag.. but I think half of them needs help with THEIR financial planning.. eheh.
i’m looking forward to get my savvy.. but i’m a little apprehensive about the attention that i might receive when i start driving that car – from friends and strangers. I’m not really comfortable being in the center of attention (be it for a good reason or otherwise). yes, i have a very severe self-confidence problem at times.. which is kinda weird because i can be the ‘epitome’ of self-confidence at other times (at least that’s how i feel inside.. don’t quite know if other ppl see it or not). i think this self-confidence problem has something to do with me being a plu. i don’t know if i can speak for all plu’s but i somehow feel inadequate when i’m with other straight men, especially the stereotypical macho type. they make me feel less of a man (who am i kidding, I am less of a man :). i don’t think real men fancy other men) but of course i don’t want them to know that.
i think the reason i feel that way is mostly because i don’t share the same common interests that they share. i’m not interested in cars, i don’t watch football, i’m lousy at fixing things and i can’t assemble DIY furniture that i buy from carrefour by myself (seriously, i don’t think i’ll make a good husband). that’s why i find it hard to make friends with other guys. i just don’t know what to talk about to break the ice. Takut kalau salah pilih topik, nanti terpecah lubang pulak. because of this, i have way a lot more girl friends than guy friends. i'm not saying that i don’t have guy friends – i have plenty of them. School friends, uni friends. it’s just that not all guys can click with me… that is also why after having been in my new company for 5 months, i think i only have 2 male colleagues who i talk to. well it's also because i'm the only guy in my department. a depressing fact indeed…
ok, enough blabbering on my trials and tribulations for one day. back to work.
that’s why when it comes to buying a car, i was in a dilemma for quite a long time. for me, small is good. u can slide through narrow spaces easily and park at spots where bigger cars can't (a real advantage if you work where i work). the other thing - cheap is also good. if i can't find enjoyment in driving (regardless of what car i drive).. why would i want to spend more money to get a better car? moreover, the higher the value of the car, the more it depreciates in value every year. i would much rather dump the excess fund to buy another apartment or something.. something that appreciates in value over time..
in the end, i decided to get a proton savvy (do i see jaws dropping?). i am very well aware of the public perception towards the car, but frankly i don't care. i think it's an OK car that suits my budget and my needs. my only worry is the re-sale value.. but there is no way that i can know about that now.. itu kena berserah je la. my family (as usual) does not agree with my choice of car. Most of my friends still don’t know that I’m getting a savvy… i don’t think they’re going to be very supportive about it. i can foresee being a popular conversation topic in the few weeks to come (not in flattering way mind u) could I care less? apparently yes. it’s not like they’re going to pay for my monthly installments… and i don’t mean to brag.. but I think half of them needs help with THEIR financial planning.. eheh.
i’m looking forward to get my savvy.. but i’m a little apprehensive about the attention that i might receive when i start driving that car – from friends and strangers. I’m not really comfortable being in the center of attention (be it for a good reason or otherwise). yes, i have a very severe self-confidence problem at times.. which is kinda weird because i can be the ‘epitome’ of self-confidence at other times (at least that’s how i feel inside.. don’t quite know if other ppl see it or not). i think this self-confidence problem has something to do with me being a plu. i don’t know if i can speak for all plu’s but i somehow feel inadequate when i’m with other straight men, especially the stereotypical macho type. they make me feel less of a man (who am i kidding, I am less of a man :). i don’t think real men fancy other men) but of course i don’t want them to know that.
i think the reason i feel that way is mostly because i don’t share the same common interests that they share. i’m not interested in cars, i don’t watch football, i’m lousy at fixing things and i can’t assemble DIY furniture that i buy from carrefour by myself (seriously, i don’t think i’ll make a good husband). that’s why i find it hard to make friends with other guys. i just don’t know what to talk about to break the ice. Takut kalau salah pilih topik, nanti terpecah lubang pulak. because of this, i have way a lot more girl friends than guy friends. i'm not saying that i don’t have guy friends – i have plenty of them. School friends, uni friends. it’s just that not all guys can click with me… that is also why after having been in my new company for 5 months, i think i only have 2 male colleagues who i talk to. well it's also because i'm the only guy in my department. a depressing fact indeed…
ok, enough blabbering on my trials and tribulations for one day. back to work.
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Anonymous, at October 13, 2005 5:45 AM
It's difficult to talk about stuff with guys. Especially when they talk about Arsenal, Liverpool, Man-U etc. I will shy away. But I do admit I could post one-two comment when it comes into car. First I was in the automobile industry. And every single one in my previous company watched F1. That's when I started involving myself into cars. Judging by the aforesaid, I reckon the more time I spend my time with guys.. the more straight I become. Boleh ke? Atau aku end up suka pada depa.. hahahaha...
Anonymous, at December 26, 2005 2:33 PM
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