sorry guys... this entry is about the weather. no hawt guys involved (unless if you count me in... hahaha)
the desert, contrary to what one might think, is not always hot. it can be pleasantly cool and breezy during some parts of the year. however, now is one of those times. nope nope nope. it's summertime at the moment. and ironically, although summer would usually bring some poisitve connotations in most part of the world - here it doesn't.
how hot are we talking about here? quite hot actually. in the past month, the temperature has been lingering the 35-40 degrees. but there are times when it will past 40 degrees. the hottest i've experienced so far was 46.5 celsius degrees. gila kan? but it's a different kind of hot as compared to malaysia. i think it's becasue of the low humidity level here. that's why even when it's hot. you don't sweat as much. you just feel burnt. well, at least now i know how those raya cookies feel like when they are inside the baking oven. ;P
the extraordinarily hot weather has affected me in more ways than one actually. it has restricted my activities (but it's not like i am a super outdoorsy person in the first place.. but still.. i COULD HAVE decided to go for desert safari or rock climbing if it wasn't so hot..;P) and restricted my ..err.. bowel movement (i try as much as i can not to do my toilet business in the afternoon. the water is hot - it burns the skin. ouch!!!). it has also affected me financially (the air-conditioning needs to be on ALL THE TIME. you cannot afford to have an air-cond breakdown. you'll just DIE. and because of this, my monthly utility bills has gone to a about RM600 a month. people in m'sia - stop complaining about your utility bills ok? hehehe).
summer is also the time when the occurrence of sandstorm will be at its most frequent (i read this somewhere.. so don't quote me on this). but you can only feel the real impact of the sandstorm when you are in the desert. the actual desert (not when you are in the city). last week, we went to to this factory that was located about 25km form the city. the plant was literally in the middle of a desert (due to the highly hazardous nature of the product being manufactured). we were in the middle of the plant tour when suddenly ...whoosh! (that's supposed to be the sandstorm sound). we rushed to get inside of the building. but the sand was flying everywhere and i hd to squint my already very small eyes to maintain visibility. when we finally got inside the building, i realised that i already had sand in my MOUTH. pteww! (i'm going crazy with the sound effects today... heheheh). i had sand on my face. sand in my hair. sand in my ear. actually, it was fun!
anyway, i wish it would go up to 50 degrees celsius soon... you know why? because it is the law here that if the temperature hits 50, all businesses/ offices must close. so here hoping!!!! (i am SUCH SUCH a motivated worker aren't i? my boss must be so proud... ;P)
the desert, contrary to what one might think, is not always hot. it can be pleasantly cool and breezy during some parts of the year. however, now is one of those times. nope nope nope. it's summertime at the moment. and ironically, although summer would usually bring some poisitve connotations in most part of the world - here it doesn't.
how hot are we talking about here? quite hot actually. in the past month, the temperature has been lingering the 35-40 degrees. but there are times when it will past 40 degrees. the hottest i've experienced so far was 46.5 celsius degrees. gila kan? but it's a different kind of hot as compared to malaysia. i think it's becasue of the low humidity level here. that's why even when it's hot. you don't sweat as much. you just feel burnt. well, at least now i know how those raya cookies feel like when they are inside the baking oven. ;P
the extraordinarily hot weather has affected me in more ways than one actually. it has restricted my activities (but it's not like i am a super outdoorsy person in the first place.. but still.. i COULD HAVE decided to go for desert safari or rock climbing if it wasn't so hot..;P) and restricted my ..err.. bowel movement (i try as much as i can not to do my toilet business in the afternoon. the water is hot - it burns the skin. ouch!!!). it has also affected me financially (the air-conditioning needs to be on ALL THE TIME. you cannot afford to have an air-cond breakdown. you'll just DIE. and because of this, my monthly utility bills has gone to a about RM600 a month. people in m'sia - stop complaining about your utility bills ok? hehehe).
summer is also the time when the occurrence of sandstorm will be at its most frequent (i read this somewhere.. so don't quote me on this). but you can only feel the real impact of the sandstorm when you are in the desert. the actual desert (not when you are in the city). last week, we went to to this factory that was located about 25km form the city. the plant was literally in the middle of a desert (due to the highly hazardous nature of the product being manufactured). we were in the middle of the plant tour when suddenly ...whoosh! (that's supposed to be the sandstorm sound). we rushed to get inside of the building. but the sand was flying everywhere and i hd to squint my already very small eyes to maintain visibility. when we finally got inside the building, i realised that i already had sand in my MOUTH. pteww! (i'm going crazy with the sound effects today... heheheh). i had sand on my face. sand in my hair. sand in my ear. actually, it was fun!
anyway, i wish it would go up to 50 degrees celsius soon... you know why? because it is the law here that if the temperature hits 50, all businesses/ offices must close. so here hoping!!!! (i am SUCH SUCH a motivated worker aren't i? my boss must be so proud... ;P)
you forgot to mention another kind of hawtness you had ;P
Anonymous, at August 22, 2006 7:00 AM
OMIGOD. It must be an oven there! How do you guys walk about in that kinda infernal heat?!
Umm.. does that mean the guys are shirtless?
savante, at August 22, 2006 11:09 AM
A temperature exceeding 40 degree Celcius, you must've experienced the 'heat wave'! Yeah, it is like a heat that comes out from an oven. Very hot and dry..
Asmadi, the other kind of 'hawt' is not dry i suppose.. ;-)
Anonymous, at August 23, 2006 6:29 AM
visiting Doha sometimes? ... wait a minute..how did i end up in this blog?? ooppss...
~ MT@Qatar
Anonymous, at August 23, 2006 11:36 AM
Hahahaha I feel for you. In Tokyo - it has been unbearably hot as well and humid!! Just the other day the temperature was about 36 C but humidity was around 100%. Just walking out from the apartment is a chore!! And when my legs start to sweat - that's really hot. When I'm in Malaysia or Singapore - I don't complain about the heat anymore!! :-) Such is life....
Maximus Leo, at August 24, 2006 5:51 PM
Yo bro.. just curious to know.. what happens to the Filipino guy.. takde yang ajak u keluar ke? mmm.. Sure best giler kan kalau dia org ajak? Share with us la kalau ada chance keluar dgn dia org lagi;-)
Anonymous, at August 28, 2006 5:09 AM
i reserve my comments ;P
we don't walk.. we RUN! lol
but no shirtless guys la.. sorry i had to break it to you...
yup.. hot hot hot. i hope it won't be this hot come ramadhan... matila!
hmm how DID u get here? hehehe.. in any case.. thanks for dropping by. i plan to go to doha for the asian games.. really hope that i can make it! anyway, let me know if you are dropping by dubai :)
hahaha.. true true. i seem to complain less about malaysia the last time i went back.
they invited me for a game of volleyball last week. but due to my lack of talent in the sport, i decided not to go. buat malu je nanti..
aiskrem_potong, at August 28, 2006 11:02 PM
What to do.. Kena tendang ke sini. Probably be in DXB on 6/7 Oct. Bulan Ramadhan in malas nak jalan-jalan, tapi dah terpaksa.
~ MT @ Qatar
Anonymous, at September 01, 2006 3:13 PM
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