ok, i know that the title is a little bit "out of character" for a plu blog. but i can't help it - she IS!!
i'm talking about dayanggnurfaizah by the way.
just finished watching the latest episode of one in a million on the internet (i hope they won't take this away from me by blocking bluehyppo). and she ROCKED, baby!
oh before i proceed, let me just declare that i have always been a HUGE fan of dayanggnurfaizah. check my friendster profile if u don't believe me (hehehe). in fact the only time that i stepped foot into planet hollywood was to watch her sing (not that there is anything wrong with it). i still remember the first time she appeared on tv. it was the golden teen search competition or something. she was this plump girl with not-so-flattering dressing (who could blame her? she was still young). but i remembered her. i really did. but it was only after watching her mindblowing performance during anugerah industri muzik did i start to fall in love with her voice. now, i am a proud owner of four of her ORIGINAL albums (i didn't get the first album cos i just didn't think that it's fair that they were giving it for free when you buy some makeup from ZA. TOTAL gender discrimination ok?)
when she tried out for the OIAM audition, it got everyone talking. a lot of (not very smart) people were saying that it's not fair that such accomplished artiste is entering a competition together with a bunch of amateur and semi-amateur singers.that it was a bad career decision that might really backfire. but they do not realise that THAT was the whole point of the show! apart from uncovering new talents, it is also intended to allow established singers to further expand his/her career. now at what point of her entering the competition is not fair?
but malaysians being malaysians (or rather malays being malays), we are not very receptive of new ideas or concepts being thrown at us ("what? a singer with 6 albums is competing with newcomers? INI TIDAK ADIL!!! JOM KITA KOMPLENNNNNN!!!!!"). and it doesn't help that most of the local malay entertainment journalists have the same backwards mentality. and as a result of this, the same question has been thrown at her again and again.. sigh .. "cliche sangat" (i'm quoting the words of the quite-cute zainallalamkadir who was the guest judge of last week's show)
to me, what she is doing is admirable to say the least. she's risking a lot by entering the competition.and she knows about it. if she loses, she'd be the 'that accomplished singer who lost to that newcomer'. but she is going through with it. clearly she wants this really badly for willing to risk it all. and that shows determination. and passion (macam poyo pulak but nvm). i can feel how much does she want to expand her career overseas. i can safely say that anyone who is a fan of malay r&b is already a fan of hers. whoever who is not already a fan will never be a fan. so the next logical step would be to geographically expand her base. indonesia ke, papua new guinea ke, solomon islands ke. but to do this, she needs money. and i assume with the things that has happened to her in the last couple of years, she has financial constraints (legal fees, previous self-financed album etc). then OIAM comes along, providing her with the opportunity to realise her dream. and what does a smart person do when she sees an opportunity in front of her? she GRABS it.
but as much as i adore her, i do wish that she can answer questions from the media better. smarter. cleverer. i wish i can let her borrow my brain and eloquence (kekekek) to answer the question. dayangg, the next time a reporter ask you the same question - please answer like this ok:
hehehe.. just kidding
ok ok, maybe this would be a better advice:
"sebagai seorang artis ( this is again a cliche .. but we cannot run away from this one... nanti reporter boycott if she doesn't start her answer this way... heheh), dayangg memang berharap dapat mengembangkan bakat dayangg. dayangg nak menembusi pasaran antarabangsa. nak harumkan nama negara (oh we should never EVER leave the part about wanting to make the country proud bit out). tapi untuk dayangg mengembangkan bakat dayangg, ia memerlukan perbelanjaan dan pelaburan yang besar. mungkin dayangg kurang bernasib baik sebab kurang ada pihak yang dapat membantu dayangg dalam merealisasikan impian dayangg ni. tapi dayangg rasa dayangg tak patut diamkan diri. dayangg perlu cari jalan. dan bila munculnya rancangan ni, dayangg rasa dayangg tak patut sia-siakan peluang ni. inilah kali pertama ada pihak yang memberi peluang kepada kami artis-artis rakaman untuk mendapatkan apa yang kami perlukan untuk mempertingkatkan lagi kualiti industri muzik negara kita. dan di sini, dayangg ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada pihak eighttv di atas kesempatan yang diberikan (humility and gratitude is always key..heheh).
mungkin ada pihak yang mengatakan dayangg cuba menutup peluang bakat2 baru bila dayangg menyertai pertandingan ni. dayangg betul2 tak bersetuju dalam hal ini. pertama sekali, kita perlu lihat apakah objektif eighttv menganjurkan pertandingan ini. jika ianya adalah semata2 untuk mengetengahkan bakat2 baru, tak perlulah pihak eighttv membenarkan artis2 rakaman sedia ada untuk menyertai rancangan ni. apa yang dayangg lakukan ini MENEPATI objektif rancangan ini. tak patutla ini dikatakan tidak adil kan? dan lagi satu, kalau kita betul2 tak mahu untuk menyokong dan tidak menutup peluang artis2 baru, dayangg rasa dayangg tak bolehlah buat album baru kan? sbb bila dayangg keluarkan album baru, pastinya album itu akan bersaing dgn album artis2 baru ni betul tak? (pas tu buat muka sarcastic sket) yang awak ni encik wartawan - boleh tak tanya soalan yang cerdik sikit? dulu belajar kat mana?" (ok ok please ignore the last part)
yeah ....i know ... i'll make a GREAT local artiste kan? hahahak
anyway can i just say that i love the show? I LOVE THE SHOW. first of all, i feel that they finally found a match for that "oh i couldnt make a living being a musician in new zealand so i decided to come to malaysia where they listen to white guys like me" or "oh i only came to this country a couple of years ago but i TOTALLY know what this country wants" paullmoss. syafinazzselamat is one of the most outspoken local artistes around (and she has the self-confidence to match it). it's really great to see they go neck to neck with each other. and i do think syafinazzselamat makes more sense than paullmoss most of the time. the show also boasts the best group of contestants i've ever seen (i've been following local singing competition religiously since ramlahhram won bintang rtm... so i should know what i'm talking about ok?) they are a few contestants who are less talented than others. but what they lack in talent, they make up for it with their cuteness (ehehe).
but sadly enough, i don't think dayangg will win. not her, not the cute guys either. why? because i think it's going to be malaysian idol 2 all over again. sigh...
i'm talking about dayanggnurfaizah by the way.
just finished watching the latest episode of one in a million on the internet (i hope they won't take this away from me by blocking bluehyppo). and she ROCKED, baby!
oh before i proceed, let me just declare that i have always been a HUGE fan of dayanggnurfaizah. check my friendster profile if u don't believe me (hehehe). in fact the only time that i stepped foot into planet hollywood was to watch her sing (not that there is anything wrong with it). i still remember the first time she appeared on tv. it was the golden teen search competition or something. she was this plump girl with not-so-flattering dressing (who could blame her? she was still young). but i remembered her. i really did. but it was only after watching her mindblowing performance during anugerah industri muzik did i start to fall in love with her voice. now, i am a proud owner of four of her ORIGINAL albums (i didn't get the first album cos i just didn't think that it's fair that they were giving it for free when you buy some makeup from ZA. TOTAL gender discrimination ok?)
when she tried out for the OIAM audition, it got everyone talking. a lot of (not very smart) people were saying that it's not fair that such accomplished artiste is entering a competition together with a bunch of amateur and semi-amateur singers.that it was a bad career decision that might really backfire. but they do not realise that THAT was the whole point of the show! apart from uncovering new talents, it is also intended to allow established singers to further expand his/her career. now at what point of her entering the competition is not fair?
but malaysians being malaysians (or rather malays being malays), we are not very receptive of new ideas or concepts being thrown at us ("what? a singer with 6 albums is competing with newcomers? INI TIDAK ADIL!!! JOM KITA KOMPLENNNNNN!!!!!"). and it doesn't help that most of the local malay entertainment journalists have the same backwards mentality. and as a result of this, the same question has been thrown at her again and again.. sigh .. "cliche sangat" (i'm quoting the words of the quite-cute zainallalamkadir who was the guest judge of last week's show)
to me, what she is doing is admirable to say the least. she's risking a lot by entering the competition.and she knows about it. if she loses, she'd be the 'that accomplished singer who lost to that newcomer'. but she is going through with it. clearly she wants this really badly for willing to risk it all. and that shows determination. and passion (macam poyo pulak but nvm). i can feel how much does she want to expand her career overseas. i can safely say that anyone who is a fan of malay r&b is already a fan of hers. whoever who is not already a fan will never be a fan. so the next logical step would be to geographically expand her base. indonesia ke, papua new guinea ke, solomon islands ke. but to do this, she needs money. and i assume with the things that has happened to her in the last couple of years, she has financial constraints (legal fees, previous self-financed album etc). then OIAM comes along, providing her with the opportunity to realise her dream. and what does a smart person do when she sees an opportunity in front of her? she GRABS it.
but as much as i adore her, i do wish that she can answer questions from the media better. smarter. cleverer. i wish i can let her borrow my brain and eloquence (kekekek) to answer the question. dayangg, the next time a reporter ask you the same question - please answer like this ok:
hehehe.. just kidding
ok ok, maybe this would be a better advice:
"sebagai seorang artis ( this is again a cliche .. but we cannot run away from this one... nanti reporter boycott if she doesn't start her answer this way... heheh), dayangg memang berharap dapat mengembangkan bakat dayangg. dayangg nak menembusi pasaran antarabangsa. nak harumkan nama negara (oh we should never EVER leave the part about wanting to make the country proud bit out). tapi untuk dayangg mengembangkan bakat dayangg, ia memerlukan perbelanjaan dan pelaburan yang besar. mungkin dayangg kurang bernasib baik sebab kurang ada pihak yang dapat membantu dayangg dalam merealisasikan impian dayangg ni. tapi dayangg rasa dayangg tak patut diamkan diri. dayangg perlu cari jalan. dan bila munculnya rancangan ni, dayangg rasa dayangg tak patut sia-siakan peluang ni. inilah kali pertama ada pihak yang memberi peluang kepada kami artis-artis rakaman untuk mendapatkan apa yang kami perlukan untuk mempertingkatkan lagi kualiti industri muzik negara kita. dan di sini, dayangg ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada pihak eighttv di atas kesempatan yang diberikan (humility and gratitude is always key..heheh).
mungkin ada pihak yang mengatakan dayangg cuba menutup peluang bakat2 baru bila dayangg menyertai pertandingan ni. dayangg betul2 tak bersetuju dalam hal ini. pertama sekali, kita perlu lihat apakah objektif eighttv menganjurkan pertandingan ini. jika ianya adalah semata2 untuk mengetengahkan bakat2 baru, tak perlulah pihak eighttv membenarkan artis2 rakaman sedia ada untuk menyertai rancangan ni. apa yang dayangg lakukan ini MENEPATI objektif rancangan ini. tak patutla ini dikatakan tidak adil kan? dan lagi satu, kalau kita betul2 tak mahu untuk menyokong dan tidak menutup peluang artis2 baru, dayangg rasa dayangg tak bolehlah buat album baru kan? sbb bila dayangg keluarkan album baru, pastinya album itu akan bersaing dgn album artis2 baru ni betul tak? (pas tu buat muka sarcastic sket) yang awak ni encik wartawan - boleh tak tanya soalan yang cerdik sikit? dulu belajar kat mana?" (ok ok please ignore the last part)
yeah ....i know ... i'll make a GREAT local artiste kan? hahahak
anyway can i just say that i love the show? I LOVE THE SHOW. first of all, i feel that they finally found a match for that "oh i couldnt make a living being a musician in new zealand so i decided to come to malaysia where they listen to white guys like me" or "oh i only came to this country a couple of years ago but i TOTALLY know what this country wants" paullmoss. syafinazzselamat is one of the most outspoken local artistes around (and she has the self-confidence to match it). it's really great to see they go neck to neck with each other. and i do think syafinazzselamat makes more sense than paullmoss most of the time. the show also boasts the best group of contestants i've ever seen (i've been following local singing competition religiously since ramlahhram won bintang rtm... so i should know what i'm talking about ok?) they are a few contestants who are less talented than others. but what they lack in talent, they make up for it with their cuteness (ehehe).
but sadly enough, i don't think dayangg will win. not her, not the cute guys either. why? because i think it's going to be malaysian idol 2 all over again. sigh...
Hey friend, I missed the show on Friday and Sunday.. had a hectic weekends.. the to-do and to-meet list is too long! ;-)
Perhaps if u don't mind sharing me the website where you had the chance to see it.. ironic isn't it, am asking this to someone who is now in a foreign land.. hahaha.. but, help me pls.. A good friend of mine did sms me that Friday nite saying that Dayang's performance was extra-ordinary.. yeah, she's one good singer..
Anonymous, at August 02, 2006 5:15 AM
Hey, I thought no One in A Million in DUbai?! :)
YOu're right tho. Hope it's not a Malaysian Idol 2 again.. Bleargh.
savante, at August 03, 2006 4:58 AM
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Anonymous, at August 03, 2006 9:06 PM
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Anonymous, at August 03, 2006 9:08 PM
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Anonymous, at August 03, 2006 9:10 PM
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Anonymous, at August 03, 2006 9:12 PM
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Anonymous, at August 03, 2006 9:14 PM
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Anonymous, at August 03, 2006 9:16 PM
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Anonymous, at August 03, 2006 9:19 PM
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Anonymous, at August 03, 2006 9:21 PM
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Anonymous, at August 03, 2006 9:24 PM
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Anonymous, at August 03, 2006 9:26 PM
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Anonymous, at August 03, 2006 9:31 PM
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Anonymous, at August 03, 2006 9:35 PM
huh.. byk nyer msg kena delete..???
zali, at August 05, 2006 9:57 AM
I missed Dayang in last OIAM. Luckily managed to watch it again at some fan blog. Dayang, the best!!
wyler, at August 07, 2006 7:06 PM
I managed to catch the show when she's performing. Oh my, she really blew me away when she sang Destiny Child's Survivor.
akihisa, at August 08, 2006 10:04 PM
synchro: dayang rocks! ;P
paul: youtube is blocked. bluehyppo is not (not yet at least). glad u share the same sentiment about MI 2 ..heheh
zali: i'm exerting my rights as the blog owner... flex muscle sket..ehehe. j/k
wyler: yey.. another dayang supporter! *high five!
akihisa: dayang rocks! ;P
aiskrem_potong, at August 18, 2006 1:30 AM
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