in 10 days, i'll be 26. 10 years ago (when i was 16), i would have thought that by the time i'm 26, everything would have fallen into place. i would no longer be a plu. i would already be married at this age. i would've have had one or two kids by the time i'm 26. life would be fine. i'd be financially stable, doing something that i like for a living.
how foolish a 16 year old can be, eh?
10 days shy from turning 26 - i'm still a plu. not married. not even attached with anyone (no girlfriend. no boyfriend). no kids. hating my job... but financially (quite) stable. ok so that's like 1 out of 5. not very impressive is it. i'm embarrassed of my 16-year-old self. but really, it's HIS fault for setting such high expectations on life ;P
anyway, as i move on from being a 25-year-old 'not so hunky' malay plu to a 26-year-old 'not so hunky' malay plu, i would like to document some of the significant changes that have taken place in my life at 25. changes that i see as a step forward towards adulthood and maturity.
25 is the age when i opened my first current account (which means that i have a chequebook)
25 is the age when i first bought a non-disposable shaver (i was using disposable all this while)
25 is the age where i started wearing boxer shorts
it's a weird list - i know. but these are things which i refused to be associated with earlier because to me, they signify adulthood. and i wasn't ready for it. maybe it's because throughout my working/adult life, i've always been the youngest in the group (mostly because i completed my degree in 3 years and stared working earlier than some other people). i was usually the youngest in my department in the companies that i worked for. even in my current company, i am actually the youngest in the department. so, there has always been the 'younger than everyone' feeling that has subconciously dissuaded me from acknowledging the fact that i am an adult. but at 25, i somehow managed to acknowledge that fact. maybe it has something to do with me working in a foreign country (which to me is a very 'adult' thing to do). i don't know. but what DO i know is that at 25, i have embraced adulthood.
how foolish a 16 year old can be, eh?
10 days shy from turning 26 - i'm still a plu. not married. not even attached with anyone (no girlfriend. no boyfriend). no kids. hating my job... but financially (quite) stable. ok so that's like 1 out of 5. not very impressive is it. i'm embarrassed of my 16-year-old self. but really, it's HIS fault for setting such high expectations on life ;P
anyway, as i move on from being a 25-year-old 'not so hunky' malay plu to a 26-year-old 'not so hunky' malay plu, i would like to document some of the significant changes that have taken place in my life at 25. changes that i see as a step forward towards adulthood and maturity.
25 is the age when i opened my first current account (which means that i have a chequebook)
25 is the age when i first bought a non-disposable shaver (i was using disposable all this while)
25 is the age where i started wearing boxer shorts
it's a weird list - i know. but these are things which i refused to be associated with earlier because to me, they signify adulthood. and i wasn't ready for it. maybe it's because throughout my working/adult life, i've always been the youngest in the group (mostly because i completed my degree in 3 years and stared working earlier than some other people). i was usually the youngest in my department in the companies that i worked for. even in my current company, i am actually the youngest in the department. so, there has always been the 'younger than everyone' feeling that has subconciously dissuaded me from acknowledging the fact that i am an adult. but at 25, i somehow managed to acknowledge that fact. maybe it has something to do with me working in a foreign country (which to me is a very 'adult' thing to do). i don't know. but what DO i know is that at 25, i have embraced adulthood.
hmm..reading your blog makes me feel so old..[sigh]
may be i shud start searching for 30SX blogs now.. anyone out there? pls identify/promote your blogs
~MT @ Qatar
Anonymous, at September 03, 2006 9:49 PM
when i was 25 i just about to start clearing my credit card debt accumulating from when i was 20 years old. (i started working at 19). and i'm 31 now, just about to start clearing my credit card debt acumulating from when i was 25 years old. (i dunno when can i call myself an adult) ;-)
u r doin good
husni, at September 04, 2006 5:08 AM
If you set your mind to be a PLU when u were 16, perhaps... u already have a number of boyfriend. hehehe...
zali, at September 04, 2006 5:56 AM
aiyo, you are doing good la for a near-26-y/o.
i on the other hands is a bad, bad 28 y/o who never seems capable of being an adult. at this age im still thinking of changing career, nak jadi yoga instructor, boleh? and i shudder just thinking about my CC debts. as for savings and property, haha-bloody-ha, nothing.
so you see, you should be thankful.
p/s sorry to hear about skype dear. now you may not get the chance to call me :D
Anonymous, at September 04, 2006 7:04 AM
Wow, thought of getting married at 16 years old? A plu by 16? I was probably infant still. Happy Birday in 1o days time ok. Now, you are free to fly.
wyler, at September 04, 2006 7:43 PM
Wow - you're so young!! Gosh - I feel really old now!! Still a baby mate! Still a baby..... Make your choices right. Like you I had dreams to be married by 30 and have kids then! I'm 34, still single and closeted but the career is good. So just hoping for some divine intervention. This as the saying goes - Sudah ditakdir!!
Maximus Leo, at September 05, 2006 6:32 PM
Just read your blog. Yeah, this reminds me to ON my calender reminder to wish you on that day.
Anonymous, at September 06, 2006 7:01 AM
alamk..sorry la bro.. unintentional
being an adult doesn't mean that you have to be credit card debt free, right? if it does, then i'd be senior citizen already.. heheh
anyway, from your blog, it looks like you are passionate about your work. and i envy you for that..
hmm..that's a good 'perhaps'... makes m wonder myself
ni macam sambungan yr blog entry je? hehehe ..
anyway.. don't worry too much about it ok? sabar...
i studied this in my literture class when i was in form 4. a poem by emily dickinson. hopefully it'll cheer you up little bit:
"success is counted sweetest for those who ne'er succeed, to comprehend a nectar requires the sorest need"
you'll get what you want bro..just hang in there
yup..i think too much. too much for my own good, sometimes.. heheh. anyway, thanks for early wish.
oh no! again ..i'm sorry. unintentional. anyway, i'm praying for some divine intervention everyday... still praying..
btw - pandai cakap melayu rupanya...hehehe
aiskrem_potong, at September 06, 2006 7:50 PM
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