it feels like a million years since i last posted an entry. i'm sorry for the irregular updates (don't quite know who i am apologising for... but never mind that. asking for forgiveness is always a noble thing to do). it's just that so many things have happened in the past few days / weeks that it was almost impossible to come up with a decent entry (mcm la my previous entries were all decent kan? :P). even with this one, i'm struggling to write it in between doing my other stuff. an thus, the instant 3-in-1 entry.. :P
first and foremost, after mr. sizzlingmee-no-more (seriusly dude, can u be a little bit more original than that?) had his short vacation in d*bai, i had visitors coming from d*ha to visit me. yes, these people has written about their trip here just about a lifetime ago and i am only writing about it now. (that's how busy my life is and how not-so-eventful theirs are... wakakkaa. just kidding you guys. you guys know my life sucks here). in total, i enjoyed their company. and i think it was wonderful being able to introduce fellow rainbowlanders the gorgeous men in this country and how i am suffering because of their gorgeousness.
a week after that, i moved into my new apartment. and i have to say, it looks pretty damn amazing (don't i sound modest? ehehe.. ). maybe it was because i've decided to make it my own and invest a little bit more about it (as compared to my previous apartment which i took as a temporary settlement for a year before i go back). i have made a decision to live better in this country, and of course it starts with da crib, right? gosh if only i have a place like this in kl... i would've ..... (censored thoughts involving cute guys, fooling around and ... more cute guys and fooling around)
anyway.... i've got some before and after photos that i MIGHT share in a later (comment moderated) post :P. i've only shown my new apartment to a few of my colleagues and most of them are artistically challenged (they are heterosexual auditors for god's sake!). so i didn't get a lot of comments coming from them. however, the one girl who checked out my apartment actually used the word "gorgeous" to describe it... hehehe (triumphant smile).
and tomorrow, i'm going back to msia. it's going to be a longer trip this time - three weeks. i am not really that excited about this trip back home. maybe because it has only been two months since i last came back. but it's either now or... very very much december. new people are coming in and my boss wants me to be around to guide them (from what he told me., the new people who are joining the department will be significantly OLDER and possibly married. there's goes my dream of having an office scandal..sigh). but of course, it's always good to be home. and i'm looking forward to a slower paced time in malaysia. the last two times i was back in malaysia was only for a week, and i was running around like mad the whole time! and of course,being the planner that i am, i had a to-do/to-meet/to-eat list the whole time. this time around. no list. ok la.. that would be lying. i still have a list. but it's much more flexible this time. and i do have some interesting missions while i'm back... ngeh ngeh ngeh (and no, i'm not going for another interview, i've learned my lesson thank you very much).
3 weeks in malaysia? god, i'm gonna be so (much) fattttttt(er) when i come back here...*sigh*, but of course, if any of you want to meet up for teh tarik (i'll be having milo ais btw), i can always accommodate. what's a few extra calories as compared to the benefits of having a new (hopefully cute) acquaintance kan? hahaha.. just kidding. tak cute pun takpe. at least then it'll be fair :P
so saper nak join gi la queen nih? :P
first and foremost, after mr. sizzlingmee-no-more (seriusly dude, can u be a little bit more original than that?) had his short vacation in d*bai, i had visitors coming from d*ha to visit me. yes, these people has written about their trip here just about a lifetime ago and i am only writing about it now. (that's how busy my life is and how not-so-eventful theirs are... wakakkaa. just kidding you guys. you guys know my life sucks here). in total, i enjoyed their company. and i think it was wonderful being able to introduce fellow rainbowlanders the gorgeous men in this country and how i am suffering because of their gorgeousness.
a week after that, i moved into my new apartment. and i have to say, it looks pretty damn amazing (don't i sound modest? ehehe.. ). maybe it was because i've decided to make it my own and invest a little bit more about it (as compared to my previous apartment which i took as a temporary settlement for a year before i go back). i have made a decision to live better in this country, and of course it starts with da crib, right? gosh if only i have a place like this in kl... i would've ..... (censored thoughts involving cute guys, fooling around and ... more cute guys and fooling around)
anyway.... i've got some before and after photos that i MIGHT share in a later (comment moderated) post :P. i've only shown my new apartment to a few of my colleagues and most of them are artistically challenged (they are heterosexual auditors for god's sake!). so i didn't get a lot of comments coming from them. however, the one girl who checked out my apartment actually used the word "gorgeous" to describe it... hehehe (triumphant smile).
and tomorrow, i'm going back to msia. it's going to be a longer trip this time - three weeks. i am not really that excited about this trip back home. maybe because it has only been two months since i last came back. but it's either now or... very very much december. new people are coming in and my boss wants me to be around to guide them (from what he told me., the new people who are joining the department will be significantly OLDER and possibly married. there's goes my dream of having an office scandal..sigh). but of course, it's always good to be home. and i'm looking forward to a slower paced time in malaysia. the last two times i was back in malaysia was only for a week, and i was running around like mad the whole time! and of course,being the planner that i am, i had a to-do/to-meet/to-eat list the whole time. this time around. no list. ok la.. that would be lying. i still have a list. but it's much more flexible this time. and i do have some interesting missions while i'm back... ngeh ngeh ngeh (and no, i'm not going for another interview, i've learned my lesson thank you very much).
3 weeks in malaysia? god, i'm gonna be so (much) fattttttt(er) when i come back here...*sigh*, but of course, if any of you want to meet up for teh tarik (i'll be having milo ais btw), i can always accommodate. what's a few extra calories as compared to the benefits of having a new (hopefully cute) acquaintance kan? hahaha.. just kidding. tak cute pun takpe. at least then it'll be fair :P
so saper nak join gi la queen nih? :P
best best best....nak ikut!!!! :-)
wah... to eat list... memang lah u akan jadi lebih huggable... hahaha
eh kirim salam to my parents please...
jeles nyer org dpt balik kg!!!
zali, at March 08, 2007 9:21 AM
la queen? this is the second time i heard that word (first being last few days..) wonder what sooo special abt that place.. :-)
"it was wonderful being able to introduce fellow rainbowlanders the gorgeous men in this country and how i am suffering because of their gorgeousness"
Anonymous, at March 08, 2007 9:32 AM
darling, since you insist i comment even after i played my sad card (mrase!) here it is.
i take u up on la queen. dress up gurl, we're going dancing!*matila gender confused kaedahnye!
asm@di, at March 08, 2007 10:03 AM
(censored thoughts involving cute guys, fooling around and ... more cute guys and fooling around)...erm, wild fantasy. kalau kat sana boleh jugak with the cute arabs..hehehe
/to-eat - nk kedai mamak sbg perdana ke o pinggan besar? hehehe. mana2 pun boleh janji ada tax rebate..heheheh
anyway, looking fwd 2 see u in msia . itupun selepas u jumpa everyone that i mentioned yesterday and all the angkuts...;-)
Anonymous, at March 08, 2007 10:10 AM
yay! bolehlah we meet up. here's my number <013 4608131>
ZEYN, THE PERPETUAL STRANGER, at March 08, 2007 10:53 AM
yeah, enjoy the luxury of clubbing while u still can..
la queen on friday nite
and nu skool on saturday nite
frequent clubber,
Anonymous, at March 12, 2007 1:00 PM
Ooh make sure you place pics of dr crib! Wanna see how you glam the place up.
savante, at March 12, 2007 3:23 PM
cepat!!! telefon zeyn sebelum dia delete no tue huhuhuh.. abisla stalker kejo... so hang dah kat kl ke?? apa criter? calling2 xda pon huhuhu xpo .. gue gi kuantan dulu bebs
bRed, at March 14, 2007 9:48 AM
3 in one... just like my morning nescafe...
Anyways dude, enjoy urself back home and don't forget to have some laksa on my behalf..better still bring some back!
Anonymous, at March 15, 2007 2:25 PM
hai uols.. iols juz singgah..
Cik Fatima Syams, at March 26, 2007 2:35 PM
I aM woRkAhOliCs AnD mY qB iS dA cRiB. lA qUEeN wAs NiCe MinUs ThE
ExTrAs... EnJoy YoUr HoLIdAys BAcK hOMe.
Anonymous, at March 28, 2007 6:49 PM
hehehe...ala nanti the next time u balik i pulak tak balik.
camana nak kirim salam kat yourparents? i tak kenal pun.
the place IS special k...hehehhe
takde rezeki nak menyundal bersama nampaknya kali time k? hihihih
u still owe me lunch ok? those pringles are no substitute for the lunch u promised me ...hahaha.
sorry dear.. mmg tak sempat nak jumpa. but it was nice talking to you (minus the "insan hina" crap bit la... :P)
glad to know that you are still checking out my blog :) it was good to see you again although we couldn'talk for long due to the deafening noise. looking good dude :P
i'll try doc! but remember.. only nice comments ok? hahhah
dude!! bangga dpt jumpa plu terhandal siut...hahaha. bila nak conduct tuition classes utk turunkan ilmu mengurat nih? hehehe
laa... laksa je ke? health freak betulla la you ni. i dont eat anything but fattening food here. so i haven't had laksa .. hehehe
abg im:
halloo...thx for dropping by :)
thanks dude :)
aiskrem_potong, at March 29, 2007 5:05 AM
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