i will always remember the first time i watched porn. i was in form five back then. and it happened in school (it was a boarding school). i think it was barely two months before spm (no wonder i didn't get straight a's for for my spm). they had a 'by-invitation-only' screening at the tv room (apparently, some of my guy friends managed to sneak a vcr out from the library - how they did it i don't know… but bravo guys!) one night and they invited me to join in. the rest of the guys watched porn since they were like 12... so they were surprised to discover that i was still a porno 'virgin' at 17. and because of this, they decided to make me guest of honour. i got the best seat in the house and they kept asking me "best tak? best tak?" throughout the movie. i can still remember the title. it was called 'helen does h*lland' (har har har). and of course, instead of focusing at helen's heaving bosoms, i was paying attention at the guys that she was 'doing' the whole time. and i remember saying to myself "oh yeah, i'm definitely g*y".
the thing is, i was quite proud to have been a 'porno' virgin up until i was 17. there is this part of me that just need to be different than the rest of the population (like being a PLU is different enough). heck, i refuse to watch any of the lord of the rings movies just so that i can tell people that i'm different (it's not like i'm actually dying to watch it la.. i'm definitely the chick-flick kinda person). i know that i can watch it and STILL claim that i haven't, but that's just not me (mostly because i flinch when i lie). so, after the tv room 'adventure' i can no longer claim that i have not watched porn. it took me a while to accept the fact that i'm no longer this naive innocent know-nothing-about-porn guy.
the same feeling resurfaced last weekend. i went clubbing last friday. and not just any club - i went to a PLU club. i had NEVER stepped foot in a club before. but since i'm going to be permanently based in another country in about 3 weeks' time, i decided to pay a visit to the club and let a few hundred people know that i'm a plu along the process.
i shared my uneasiness with sizz (my ever-faithful companion - thanks bud!) - about losing my status as a clubbing 'virgin', about the possibility of being caught in a raid and have my photo in the newspapers the next day. as expected, my reservations were greeted by him rolling his eyes. hey, it may not be a big deal to other people, but it was a big deal to me, alright? :P
nevertheless, friday night came with full of anticipation. we were planning to go to the more posh one (according to sizz la) since i want my first experience to be as most perfect as possible. but that place was closed on that night. so we had to go to the other one (the one with the rm10 cover charge). being an ardent fan of yusuf haslam movies (NOT!) i had a specific image of how a club would be (oh fyi, there is NO yusuf haslam movie that does not have a scene in a club). but what i saw was totally different from what i imagined. first of all, there were a lot more guys there (hehehe) and the place was A LOT smaller. but oh, the club-goers are much better dancers than the ‘kayu’ extras they hire for the movies. and some of them were really yummy! eheh...
all in all, i guess it wasn't a bad first experience. i had fun (it would've been a lot more fun if i got picked up by a guy... hehehe). and i'm actually thinking of going again this weekend (just to kacau sizz and his new toy boy actually .. hahaha). am i over the fact that i am no more a clubbing 'virgin'? well, my rule of thumb has always been - if you need to lie to avoid suspicion of your PLU-ness, then by all means - LIE. so, since i have only been to a PLU club (which means that i can lie about it to avoid suspicion), i am STILL a clubbing 'virgin'. then what is there to get over? ;P
the thing is, i was quite proud to have been a 'porno' virgin up until i was 17. there is this part of me that just need to be different than the rest of the population (like being a PLU is different enough). heck, i refuse to watch any of the lord of the rings movies just so that i can tell people that i'm different (it's not like i'm actually dying to watch it la.. i'm definitely the chick-flick kinda person). i know that i can watch it and STILL claim that i haven't, but that's just not me (mostly because i flinch when i lie). so, after the tv room 'adventure' i can no longer claim that i have not watched porn. it took me a while to accept the fact that i'm no longer this naive innocent know-nothing-about-porn guy.
the same feeling resurfaced last weekend. i went clubbing last friday. and not just any club - i went to a PLU club. i had NEVER stepped foot in a club before. but since i'm going to be permanently based in another country in about 3 weeks' time, i decided to pay a visit to the club and let a few hundred people know that i'm a plu along the process.
i shared my uneasiness with sizz (my ever-faithful companion - thanks bud!) - about losing my status as a clubbing 'virgin', about the possibility of being caught in a raid and have my photo in the newspapers the next day. as expected, my reservations were greeted by him rolling his eyes. hey, it may not be a big deal to other people, but it was a big deal to me, alright? :P
nevertheless, friday night came with full of anticipation. we were planning to go to the more posh one (according to sizz la) since i want my first experience to be as most perfect as possible. but that place was closed on that night. so we had to go to the other one (the one with the rm10 cover charge). being an ardent fan of yusuf haslam movies (NOT!) i had a specific image of how a club would be (oh fyi, there is NO yusuf haslam movie that does not have a scene in a club). but what i saw was totally different from what i imagined. first of all, there were a lot more guys there (hehehe) and the place was A LOT smaller. but oh, the club-goers are much better dancers than the ‘kayu’ extras they hire for the movies. and some of them were really yummy! eheh...
all in all, i guess it wasn't a bad first experience. i had fun (it would've been a lot more fun if i got picked up by a guy... hehehe). and i'm actually thinking of going again this weekend (just to kacau sizz and his new toy boy actually .. hahaha). am i over the fact that i am no more a clubbing 'virgin'? well, my rule of thumb has always been - if you need to lie to avoid suspicion of your PLU-ness, then by all means - LIE. so, since i have only been to a PLU club (which means that i can lie about it to avoid suspicion), i am STILL a clubbing 'virgin'. then what is there to get over? ;P
deny all u want, but the fact is that ur not a disco virgin anymore, dude. and from wat uv told me, ur no virgin anymore in many more areas other than clubbing. HAHA! ;P
Anonymous, at January 12, 2006 10:39 AM
i lost my porn-watching virginity at the age of 20 when i was abroad doing my first degree.. hahahaha..
Anonymous, at January 12, 2006 12:20 PM
Wow, your 1st porn was at the of 17 ??!!!! My first porn was at the age of 12 or 13. Like Nate, it was a straight porn. But, my eyes were diverted more to the hot guys. ;-p
I'm a clubbing virgin too. It's just that I'm a homey kinda person. I feel so conscious being around people. I'm a VERY shy person. Now, I'm definitely a katak bawah tempurung. LOL !!
akihisa, at January 13, 2006 4:29 PM
I'm a clubbing virgin until the age of 25 and it was a str8 one.. oops.. how old am i? more than that obviously.. but how old exactly, am only revealing to selected few... LOL
Anonymous, at January 14, 2006 6:14 AM
I am a virgin visitor here and after this entry, I shall not be anymore. ;)
ça va pas la tête, at January 14, 2006 7:27 AM
like a virgin...teringat kat kak madon
Aku, at January 16, 2006 3:44 PM
hush hush sikit boleh tak?
i think we have a winner here... 20?!!! god.. but judging from your 'education background'... i think i can understand la... hehehe
nate berkus:
yeah... i think most of us started with the straight ones before we venture into the non-straight ones... heheh. plus, the straight ones are just much easier to find!
wow.. you're quite advanced aren't you? well actually, if we go by my standards, everyone's more advanced (well maybe except for synchro that is.. hehehe j/k bro!)
i don't want to persuade you to try clubbing or anything (cukupla dgn dosa yg ada... hehehe) but i had some fun ;P
ca va pas la tetes:
bienvenue bro!! do drop by once in a while alright? ;)
obviously a fan of madonna aren't you? ;P
aiskrem_potong, at January 17, 2006 5:39 AM
still a virgin? erm...boleh caya ke? hahaha
Anonymous, at January 17, 2006 11:03 AM
sangsi betul lar, tak pernah pergi kelab, dan tak pernah tengok filem biru.....
ya ke? boleh caya ke?
pergi kelab mana? yang ada banyak orang melayu ke atau yang ada banyak orang cina?
pelik sekali, mengapa di dalam dunia PLU pun ada masalah interaksi antara kaum....
Mr RM, at January 24, 2006 10:15 AM
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