i don't know whether you guys have heard about this or not, but some countries in the middle east were hit by a hurricane last week. gonu. oman and iran were badly hit with some casualties. here in the uae, the effect were reduced to some destruction of properties in some coastal areas (oh, and i was not able to order fish for dinner the other day because there was some shortage of supply. all the fishermen here stayed away form the sea for a couple of days). but now everything is back to normal. i sympathise for the people of oman though. things don't look so good over there.
p.s: for more information and pics, go to here
p.s: for more information and pics, go to here
Alfatihah for those muslim yang telah pergi...
Anonymous, at June 13, 2007 6:41 PM
Terribly sad. Hope the ones surviving are doing alright.
savante, at June 16, 2007 11:12 AM
Hello....erm I am very curious.
why did you become 'gay'...don't get angry with my question...just answer it truthfully...did your mother help you into this?
Sebab I tanya?...everywhere I turn..
all the men in Malaysia....are gay.
Saja nak tanya untuk mendapat jawapan kemusykilan ini.
yanglerni, at June 18, 2007 11:57 AM
haaa... jawab tu, jgn tak jawab!! kuikuikui
Anonymous, at June 20, 2007 5:23 AM
dear yanglerni,
answering on behalf of joshie,
being a gay is not a choice!
if u r a hetero female, how i wish u r in our shoes,in ur case, drooling over other hot females, head over heels over pretty girls..
Anonymous, at June 20, 2007 7:22 AM
al fatihah
i hope so too. they are really a nice and friendly bunch over there.
hey thx for dropping by. err.. did my mom "help" me into this? i don't think any mother in her right mind would help her son to become gay (at least hope there isn't any). anyway, i've blogged about this a while back. check this one out ok?
oh btw, these men that you were referring to, are they erm, cute? do you happen to have their number? hahaha. just kidding.
dah jawab dah. siap ada ready-made entry lagi.. kelasss kan? hehehe :P
crushhio (wink wink! hahaha):
hear! hear!
being gay is so much fun kan? we get to practice our acting skills in front of people, faking our attraction to the opposite sex all the time etc. it would be silly not to choose to be gay isn't it? just think of what the heteresexuals are missing!
seriously, how can they think that we CHOOSE to be gay kan?
aiskrem_potong, at June 20, 2007 11:40 PM
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