note: the title has got nothing to do with the entry. saja je feeling2 jordin sparks sekejap... hahaha
my younger brother just got his matriculation results a few days back. and it's not really that good.
being the last one in the family, everyone was eager for his results. mostly because he is the only who is still studying (which makes him the only one in the family who are taking exams thus making him the only one in a 'structured' competition with other people. to my family, it's all about competition.. and winning) . although all of us want him to perform, i can't help but feel that some of my siblings are secretly enjoying his less than flattering results. like my elder brother, who is taking this opportunity to compare how HE did in university even when he was not provided with facilities which my younger brother has enjoyed. or my sister, who seems to have a talent of kicking you when you are down with her snide remarks. but for me, i really really wanted to do well for this exam. because i know what could be the consequences of not scoring in this matriculation exam. and because i know how badly my dad wants to put my younger brother, his last child, through university. i know that it would give him a tremendous feeling of relief if he is able to do that.
when i went back last march, i had a talk with my brother. a g*yman-to-man talk (hehehe). i told him to really really work hard for the exam. that his failure to do well in this exam could be detrimental to his future (over kan?). i told him about my friend's sister who is now doing medicine (self-sponsored) in some former ussr country just because she didn't do very well in her matrics exam. i told him of some of the weird courses that they are offering in public universities which are usually offerred to students with bad matriculation exam cgpa. things like ijazah sarjana muda sains perhutanan (penghususan teknologi dan industri serat kayu) or ijazah sarjana muda kejuruteraan polimer or ijazah sarjana muda sains hortikultur (scary!). and how do i know all this? because i used to go out with some of these .... err... students.
apparently, the talk that i had with him was not very effective. he got a 2.63 for his cgpa. i spoke to him the other day and he sounded ok. he has always been like that. i little bit - emotionless (especially when you compare him with his dramatic brother). i spoke to my dad after that, and he sounded very disappointed. he was telling me that he might just enrol my brother to one of those kolej universiti, he doesn't think that even if my brother manage to get a place in the main universities, he's be able to pull it off.
my heart sank a little bit. i never thought that my dad would lose hope on my brother like that. i mean, the boy is not incapable. it's just that he has been a bit lazy and unfocused. and he does sleep a lot. A LOT. which, of course upsets my dad more because that would be one of his pet peeves (i remember that during semester breaks he would get pissed when i woke up at 10 am everyday saying that i sleep too much. what he doesn't know that at that time i was going to bed at 4 am everyday doing my... ermm... 'research'). my brother can just put his head on a pillow and doze off in about 2 seconds - something that i've never been able to do.
so now everyone is a bit pening of what he should do next. my sister suggested that he takes up computer science. he's eligible to apply to do computer science in one of the better universities but he said that he's not interested. he wants to do mechanical engineering. but he can only apply to those univerisities in sabah or sarawak because they have a lower requirement. my mother, of course, doesn't want him to go to sabah. my elder brother on the other hand, thinks that engineering is the best course in the world (mostly because he took the same course) and is advising him to go. my dad is still considering the less-competitive universiti kolej option for my brother.
i'm just afraid he is going to get neither. not computer science. not mechanical engineering. but there's a good chance that he'll get sains botani.. or some other merepek course. i just told him just apply for something that he likes so that there's a better chance that he'll study harder for it. the rest, i just ask him to leave to God. doa je la banyak-banyak. life takes you through amazing twists and turns that u might end up being nowhere close from what you plan to be.
when i was his age and i had to make my decision as to which degree course to take, i initially opted to take economics. and i remember writing this down vividly in my anaysis sheet as to a plus point for taking economics:
"i can be a writer for the far eastern economic review."
i actually got my first choice to do economics but changed course to accountancy after 4 weeks of studying. now, i work as an auditor in d*bai. and instead of writing for the far eastern economic review, i am now an author of a g*y blog. a long shot from the original plan?
just a tad :P
my younger brother just got his matriculation results a few days back. and it's not really that good.
being the last one in the family, everyone was eager for his results. mostly because he is the only who is still studying (which makes him the only one in the family who are taking exams thus making him the only one in a 'structured' competition with other people. to my family, it's all about competition.. and winning) . although all of us want him to perform, i can't help but feel that some of my siblings are secretly enjoying his less than flattering results. like my elder brother, who is taking this opportunity to compare how HE did in university even when he was not provided with facilities which my younger brother has enjoyed. or my sister, who seems to have a talent of kicking you when you are down with her snide remarks. but for me, i really really wanted to do well for this exam. because i know what could be the consequences of not scoring in this matriculation exam. and because i know how badly my dad wants to put my younger brother, his last child, through university. i know that it would give him a tremendous feeling of relief if he is able to do that.
when i went back last march, i had a talk with my brother. a g*yman-to-man talk (hehehe). i told him to really really work hard for the exam. that his failure to do well in this exam could be detrimental to his future (over kan?). i told him about my friend's sister who is now doing medicine (self-sponsored) in some former ussr country just because she didn't do very well in her matrics exam. i told him of some of the weird courses that they are offering in public universities which are usually offerred to students with bad matriculation exam cgpa. things like ijazah sarjana muda sains perhutanan (penghususan teknologi dan industri serat kayu) or ijazah sarjana muda kejuruteraan polimer or ijazah sarjana muda sains hortikultur (scary!). and how do i know all this? because i used to go out with some of these .... err... students.
apparently, the talk that i had with him was not very effective. he got a 2.63 for his cgpa. i spoke to him the other day and he sounded ok. he has always been like that. i little bit - emotionless (especially when you compare him with his dramatic brother). i spoke to my dad after that, and he sounded very disappointed. he was telling me that he might just enrol my brother to one of those kolej universiti, he doesn't think that even if my brother manage to get a place in the main universities, he's be able to pull it off.
my heart sank a little bit. i never thought that my dad would lose hope on my brother like that. i mean, the boy is not incapable. it's just that he has been a bit lazy and unfocused. and he does sleep a lot. A LOT. which, of course upsets my dad more because that would be one of his pet peeves (i remember that during semester breaks he would get pissed when i woke up at 10 am everyday saying that i sleep too much. what he doesn't know that at that time i was going to bed at 4 am everyday doing my... ermm... 'research'). my brother can just put his head on a pillow and doze off in about 2 seconds - something that i've never been able to do.
so now everyone is a bit pening of what he should do next. my sister suggested that he takes up computer science. he's eligible to apply to do computer science in one of the better universities but he said that he's not interested. he wants to do mechanical engineering. but he can only apply to those univerisities in sabah or sarawak because they have a lower requirement. my mother, of course, doesn't want him to go to sabah. my elder brother on the other hand, thinks that engineering is the best course in the world (mostly because he took the same course) and is advising him to go. my dad is still considering the less-competitive universiti kolej option for my brother.
i'm just afraid he is going to get neither. not computer science. not mechanical engineering. but there's a good chance that he'll get sains botani.. or some other merepek course. i just told him just apply for something that he likes so that there's a better chance that he'll study harder for it. the rest, i just ask him to leave to God. doa je la banyak-banyak. life takes you through amazing twists and turns that u might end up being nowhere close from what you plan to be.
when i was his age and i had to make my decision as to which degree course to take, i initially opted to take economics. and i remember writing this down vividly in my anaysis sheet as to a plus point for taking economics:
"i can be a writer for the far eastern economic review."
i actually got my first choice to do economics but changed course to accountancy after 4 weeks of studying. now, i work as an auditor in d*bai. and instead of writing for the far eastern economic review, i am now an author of a g*y blog. a long shot from the original plan?
just a tad :P
I pembaca setia ur blog. Just nak komen sikit pasal ayat u.."i told him of some of the weird courses that they are offering in public universities which are usually offerred to students with bad matriculation exam cgpa. things like ijazah sarjana muda sains perhutanan (penghususan teknologi dan industri serat kayu) or ijazah sarjana muda kejuruteraan polimer or ijazah sarjana muda sains hortikultur (scary!). " - I nak jelaskan kat u. Courses yang u sebut2 tu, bukanlah seteruk yang u sangka. Malah mempunyai prospek yang tinggi dalam masa sekarang dan depan. Dunia memepunyai pakar yang terhad dalam bidang2 tersebut. Percayalah, saya dan rakan2 demand gaji yang tinggi untuk bidang2 ni. Jadi, janagn salah tanggap, dan jangan didik generasi kita dengan mentaliti bahawa bidang2 kedoktoran, kejuruteraan, perakaunan etc... sahaja bidang profesional. Kita kena keluar daripada mentaliti ini. Kita perlukan ramai saintis dalam bidang polimer, perhutanan, hortikultur... Anyway, u tak perlu publish komen ni.. just pendapat. walau bagaimanapun, i teteap suka cara penceritaan u dalam blog ni.. rasa dekat di hati. Teruskan menulis, ya. :)
Anonymous, at May 29, 2007 5:18 AM
hi there :)
thanks for the comment. and i'm sorry if i appeared insensitive (or even ignorant) in any way. perhaps i can explain further where i was coming from when i wrote that sentence. i never meant to imply that these courses have no future in them. i'm a strong believer that if you are good at whatever field that you are in, you can succeed (which is why i told my brother just to pick a course that he likes.. and not necessarily a professional one). however, i'm also a strong believer that in order to be good in what you do, you need to like what you do. this is not just important for you to get good results in uni, but it's also important for you to enjoy your work. your career. my brother, so far, has not shown any particular interest in serat kayu, polimer or hortikultur. sure, the interest may develop once he takes up the course, but what if that doesn't happen? then he'll end up like me.. doing something that he doesn't like. and no amount of money can compensate for that. sbb tu la i rasa these courses are a little bit scary.. not because they are not professional courses, but because it is not something that my brother is particularly interested in. gosh, if i could have it my way. i would have taken something like english or advertising for my degree. tapi sebab ayahanda dan bonda (read: fund sponsor)tak merestui kan.. terpaksa la amik course professional.
anyway, thanks a lot for the comment.. it's good that you brought it up. at least i am able to avoid further misconception about what i've written. and of course, your comment stays published. blog ni mengamalkan dasar telus dan terbuka (unlike our government...hehehe). i don't even have my comment moderation function enabled (but don't get any crazy ideas to sabotage the blog ok? :P)
plus, it's always good to know that i have at least ONE pembaca setia.. hehehe. hope you'll continue reading... rajin2 la komen lagi (this goes for all of you silent readers ... kalau ada la. siut, kalau takde malu je kan? :P)
aiskrem_potong, at May 29, 2007 9:21 AM
Thanks sebab mengambil endah komen i. N i faham dengan penjelasan u. Dun worry, i tak kan sabotaj la... Looking fwd for ur next cerita. All the best
Anonymous, at May 29, 2007 11:19 AM
Dear AP
The earlier comments by anonymous was right. I still remember my ancient time...kena ambik courses such as medicine, dentistry etc...untuk berjaya, memmuaskan hati segelintir manusia dan sekelompok jabatan kerajaan dan bukan chef, fashion and design etc...but then again...time change those courses yg dianggap low profile tu la yg cemerlang, gemilang and terbilang..(sebenar tak marah kat you tapi sajer nak tulis sebab dah frust jadi accountant ni)
Lagi satu I love you dasar kerterbukaan, telus dan jujur...wah...macam ntv7 punya program la pulak..pendedahan telus dan berani..hhehe
Ross, at May 30, 2007 12:38 PM
"ijazah sarjana muda sains perhutanan (penghususan teknologi dan industri serat kayu)" Wow... do they really have this course? i'm really surprised... anyway, 2.63 is not that bad... look at me, i got 2.52 in matriculation exams, and look at me now... i'm pretty sure i'm much more well off then my friends who just graduated from uni... sorry eh, bukan nak up kan diri i, but doesn't mean that if you get 4.0, you'll be succesful, you just need to do what you like to do. (macam i nak sangat kerja ni kan) but if you like it, you'll work harder. don't you think? and the life in sabah/swak is not that bad... believe me... Kinabalu is much much more better than shah alam... hehehe.
Anonymous, at May 31, 2007 1:56 AM
Hembus nafas dulu, dik. Not the end of the world surely. There are many paths to success after all :)
savante, at May 31, 2007 5:47 PM
by the way.. adik you budak mrsm eh?
Musang, at June 03, 2007 1:39 AM
ya adik u budak mrsm ke? HIDUP MRSM! hehehhe i did badly in universiti and my career suxxx hohoh hahhaa with has nothing to do with anything .. my life suxx too ..
hehhehe hohoho hang kena komen pasal kursus pelik.. hey jadik petani moden la!!! :D or just take tourism and travel the world.. tell him to pow abg2 and akak dia untuk sponsor round de world.. tengok2 nanti dia dapat datukship..
hey sorang je ke pembaca setia? yg lain nie? pembaca kadang2 curang la?
ciao dude.. love ya
bRed, at June 16, 2007 5:26 PM
semua telah diperkatakan....anyway, ur advise to ur brother is correct. Do what ever he wants to do and don't think about others much..hehehe
Anonymous, at June 19, 2007 8:48 AM
i ppun frust jadik auditor nih!! nak buat advertising my parents tak bagi.. :(
eii... 2.52?! teruknya!!! i don't think we should be friends anymore. hahahahaha j/k
yeah thank god he's doing ok.
bukan mrsm. sbp.
hahaha... yg lain tak mengaku pembaca setia pun.. tak leh la assume kan?
kirim salam kat boipren naaaa... kekekek
yes. i'm a very wise brother. hahaha (diri sendiri pun tunggang langgang sebenarnya)
aiskrem_potong, at June 21, 2007 12:20 AM
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