i pride myself for being a good planner. a meticulous planner, in fact. someone who would take consideration of everything that should be taken into consideration before making a decision. i really, as much as possible, try to avoid sub-optimal decisions. i hate wasting unintentionally (wasting intentionally, however, is a totally different matter, which i do enjoy once in a while). it's a typical virgo trait.
the other thing about virgoans (especially the virgin ones.. wakakaka) is that they're supposed to excel in accomplishing small tasks with limited objectives. (generally) we are not very strategic minded kinda people who can see the "big picture" or good at carrying out those 5-year plan or 10-years plan thingies (which, btw, is why i'm so clueless about my life plan even at 26). why? i'm not really sure. maybe it's just impossible to do a perfect job for these type of tasks where the duration is very long and the variables are endless. and virgoans, are of course, are a bunch of perfectionist pricks.
that is why i felt like banging my head against the wall the other day. why? because i failed a particular task which i gave myself. the task was to get myself return tickets to muscat. and of course, the objective was to get the best possible deal, especially in terms of price (i hate wasting.. well, you can even call me a cheapskate - i don't care. it's my money anyway). naturally, i went to a few airlines' websites to do my research and collect my data. however, while browsing through various websites, one budget airline slipped my mind. so i ended up buying my tickets from this budget airline which i have flown before and which i had thought was a pretty good deal already, considering other people had to pay 1k to get to the same place. i, on the other had to pay about 480 dirhams (rm480) for mine. wait.. scrap that. with the depreciating value of the dirham.. it's actually about rm430 (ok, i am NOT gonna start blabbing about the depreciating dirham - i might not be able to stop)
anyway, it was only 2 days after i have purchased my ticket that i came acroos the website of the airline which i had initially forgotten. and being someone who just HAS to know, i went into the website to find out about the price they are offering. 314 dirhams (about rm 280). 'deal of the week' - to add salt to the wound. better timing pulak tu. "celakaaaaaa!!!!!" i yelped, sending confused stares from my new colleagues (oh yeah, new colleagues are here. will talk about them later). i felt like an utter failure.
to my defense, i'm not really familiar about this airline. it's quite a new one. i've only heard of them from their radio.. twice i think. but i have no one to defend against except for myself. virgoans are perfectionists. and what i did in this case was far from perfect.
but virgoans, are also known to be good analysts. and that's just what i did. i analysed the situation to see if i can make it better. and i managed to do just that. i decided to buy that 314 dirhams ticket, and change the destination of my 480 dirhams ticket to doha. i was already planning to go to doha sometime during summer so i might as well get the ticket now. and jaz*era does not fly to doha, so no possiblity of getting a cheaper ticket than air ar*bia. so i went on to make the necessary changes. in the end, i saved 66 dirhams, get better timing for my muscat flight, will be able to experience this new airline (although i'm not an airline freak like SOME people :P) and got the 'deal of the week'. i felt good. even when i failed the initial objective, i think i pretty much nailed my subsequent objective. my damage control objective. and now i'm set to get on that plane for a great weekend in muscat.
it may seem like a cliche and superficial, but i always find those articles describing traits of a virgo are really about me. i am actually someone who is very skeptical of things, but when it comes to this, it's amazing how everything is just so spot-on. ok, maybe not everything. ALMOST everything. there are some differences. based on these articles, i'm supposed to be a health freak (which i am not) and also a clean freak (i'm somewhat clean la... but i do have my off days sometimes). oh yeah, i'm supposed to be drop dead gorgeous too. we all know that's not the case huh.
i can't help but feel that i'm somewhat doomed with my life because i possess these traits of a virgo. "pessimistic", "worrier", "has mood swings", "frequently depressed", "destructive at times". those who have been reading my blog or those who know me in person knows that all those traits - are all me. ALLLLL me. and that's not the worse of it. this is what one article says about virgoans in the relationship department:
The kind of love which displays itself in dramatic emotions, sentimental promises, tearful declarations and mushy affection, not only leaves a Virgo man cold, it can frighten him into catching the nearest bus or train out of town. (Planes are too fast and too expensive for him, unless he's really desperate.) But he can be melted if the temperature is just right, even though he seems to be made of a combination of steel and ice. There are definitely ways to the Virgo heart. Secret ways. Aggressive pursuit is not one of them. Neither is coquetry nor sexuality, as many a flirtatious vamp and slinky siren has learned, to her surprise and disappointment.
Virgos seek quality rather than quantity in romance. Since quality is at pretty much of a premium in any category, they have few real love affairs, and the few they do have are destined to be unlucky or sad in some way, more often than not. Virgo's reaction to such a disappointment is normally to bury himself in the hardest work he can find, stay away from society in general, and be twice as cautious at the next opportunity. You can see that you'll have to use considerable strategy and patience. The basic Virginian instinct is chastity, and he's turned from it only for a good cause or for a mighty good woman. Many Virgos-though admittedly not all-can live with celibacy far more easily than any other Sun sign, just as they put up with rules of discipline they don't understand, because obedience to fate without struggling comes naturally to them. If fate decrees a single life, Virgo is prepared to accept it without excess regret or emotional trauma, so there are lots of Virgo bachelors around-but still, in their quiet way, they can manage some very poetic, if fragile, love affairs.
doomed, i tell you. doomed! hahaha..
the other thing about virgoans (especially the virgin ones.. wakakaka) is that they're supposed to excel in accomplishing small tasks with limited objectives. (generally) we are not very strategic minded kinda people who can see the "big picture" or good at carrying out those 5-year plan or 10-years plan thingies (which, btw, is why i'm so clueless about my life plan even at 26). why? i'm not really sure. maybe it's just impossible to do a perfect job for these type of tasks where the duration is very long and the variables are endless. and virgoans, are of course, are a bunch of perfectionist pricks.
that is why i felt like banging my head against the wall the other day. why? because i failed a particular task which i gave myself. the task was to get myself return tickets to muscat. and of course, the objective was to get the best possible deal, especially in terms of price (i hate wasting.. well, you can even call me a cheapskate - i don't care. it's my money anyway). naturally, i went to a few airlines' websites to do my research and collect my data. however, while browsing through various websites, one budget airline slipped my mind. so i ended up buying my tickets from this budget airline which i have flown before and which i had thought was a pretty good deal already, considering other people had to pay 1k to get to the same place. i, on the other had to pay about 480 dirhams (rm480) for mine. wait.. scrap that. with the depreciating value of the dirham.. it's actually about rm430 (ok, i am NOT gonna start blabbing about the depreciating dirham - i might not be able to stop)
anyway, it was only 2 days after i have purchased my ticket that i came acroos the website of the airline which i had initially forgotten. and being someone who just HAS to know, i went into the website to find out about the price they are offering. 314 dirhams (about rm 280). 'deal of the week' - to add salt to the wound. better timing pulak tu. "celakaaaaaa!!!!!" i yelped, sending confused stares from my new colleagues (oh yeah, new colleagues are here. will talk about them later). i felt like an utter failure.
to my defense, i'm not really familiar about this airline. it's quite a new one. i've only heard of them from their radio.. twice i think. but i have no one to defend against except for myself. virgoans are perfectionists. and what i did in this case was far from perfect.
but virgoans, are also known to be good analysts. and that's just what i did. i analysed the situation to see if i can make it better. and i managed to do just that. i decided to buy that 314 dirhams ticket, and change the destination of my 480 dirhams ticket to doha. i was already planning to go to doha sometime during summer so i might as well get the ticket now. and jaz*era does not fly to doha, so no possiblity of getting a cheaper ticket than air ar*bia. so i went on to make the necessary changes. in the end, i saved 66 dirhams, get better timing for my muscat flight, will be able to experience this new airline (although i'm not an airline freak like SOME people :P) and got the 'deal of the week'. i felt good. even when i failed the initial objective, i think i pretty much nailed my subsequent objective. my damage control objective. and now i'm set to get on that plane for a great weekend in muscat.
it may seem like a cliche and superficial, but i always find those articles describing traits of a virgo are really about me. i am actually someone who is very skeptical of things, but when it comes to this, it's amazing how everything is just so spot-on. ok, maybe not everything. ALMOST everything. there are some differences. based on these articles, i'm supposed to be a health freak (which i am not) and also a clean freak (i'm somewhat clean la... but i do have my off days sometimes). oh yeah, i'm supposed to be drop dead gorgeous too. we all know that's not the case huh.
i can't help but feel that i'm somewhat doomed with my life because i possess these traits of a virgo. "pessimistic", "worrier", "has mood swings", "frequently depressed", "destructive at times". those who have been reading my blog or those who know me in person knows that all those traits - are all me. ALLLLL me. and that's not the worse of it. this is what one article says about virgoans in the relationship department:
The kind of love which displays itself in dramatic emotions, sentimental promises, tearful declarations and mushy affection, not only leaves a Virgo man cold, it can frighten him into catching the nearest bus or train out of town. (Planes are too fast and too expensive for him, unless he's really desperate.) But he can be melted if the temperature is just right, even though he seems to be made of a combination of steel and ice. There are definitely ways to the Virgo heart. Secret ways. Aggressive pursuit is not one of them. Neither is coquetry nor sexuality, as many a flirtatious vamp and slinky siren has learned, to her surprise and disappointment.
Virgos seek quality rather than quantity in romance. Since quality is at pretty much of a premium in any category, they have few real love affairs, and the few they do have are destined to be unlucky or sad in some way, more often than not. Virgo's reaction to such a disappointment is normally to bury himself in the hardest work he can find, stay away from society in general, and be twice as cautious at the next opportunity. You can see that you'll have to use considerable strategy and patience. The basic Virginian instinct is chastity, and he's turned from it only for a good cause or for a mighty good woman. Many Virgos-though admittedly not all-can live with celibacy far more easily than any other Sun sign, just as they put up with rules of discipline they don't understand, because obedience to fate without struggling comes naturally to them. If fate decrees a single life, Virgo is prepared to accept it without excess regret or emotional trauma, so there are lots of Virgo bachelors around-but still, in their quiet way, they can manage some very poetic, if fragile, love affairs.
doomed, i tell you. doomed! hahaha..
so u r coming to doha!!! cool...
eh... for Muscat... i dah buat itinerary... since i know u r a planning freak.. i dah plan all for u...
Anonymous, at May 10, 2007 11:37 AM
erm...tk sampai hati nk komen lagi sbb aritu dh komen..hehehe. anyway, have a great trip..pstt..i want fridge magnet..hehehe
Anonymous, at May 10, 2007 12:20 PM
there is one word to describe you... and i think i dont want to type it here.... hehehehheheee
hmm.... aiskrem..aiskrem... panas2 macam ni, sedap jugak makan aiskrem ni.... ooppsss...
Anonymous, at May 13, 2007 10:34 AM
I remember why I havent visited your blog in a while..
hohohoho its coz u are so damn funny that I get stomach cramps everytime I read your non picture blog hohohoh
no la.. just kidding but seriously what is up with the self censor*hip??????
bRed, at May 15, 2007 11:26 AM
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