i'm back in d*bai.
i always feel lousy whenever i have to come back here, but this time around i feel a lot lousier. maybe because i was in the middle of the raya mood, and suddenly everything i was rudely interrupted. time was up. time to come back to this country
this raya has been a good one for me. no major dramas (minor dramas definitely ada la.. after all it's MY family). but overall, it was good. all my siblings were at home on the first day and we spent time taking group photos (without my parents though, since they were out beraya at my uncle's place) of the 7 of us. the photographers - my 14 year old nephew and 13 year old niece. and the had to take the shots while making sure the younger nephews and nieces stayed out of the pictures. quite hilarious actually.. hehehe.
it was also a good raya because my baju melayu and sampin looked nice (boleh ke ni? well in the spirit of honesty kan... :P). and since the last time many of my relatives saw me was almost 2 years ago, i did receive some nice comments from them (i've lost a bit of weight la since 2 years ago..). kembang kempis la jugak hidung kena puji hari tu.. heheh.
but everything needs to come to an end. being an unconfirmed employee, everything has to end sooner than most people. i was practically dragging my feet to board the plane... thinking of how much fun it would be if i was able to stay longer. or if i didn't have to come back at all. actually thought of giving a 24-hour notice and pack up and leave the first day i was in the office (it was just a thought la... i'm not that spontaneous of a person. i plan almost everything). but luckily things started to look up a little bit in the afternoon. i found out that i'll be travelling to lebanon and egypt for three weeks next month for work. finally - an overseas assignment (i know i work in d*bai, but that doesn't count. i'm based here). i've never been sent for overseas assignments before. somehow being sent overseas for work is like a validation that your expertise is needed and valued so highly that they need to bring you in to their country for your expertise (it could also mean that since audit is based in the HQ, they don't have any auditors based in the overseas offices. but what i said earlier sounds more canggih. so i'm sticking to that.. eheh). i've been wanting to have this opportunity for the longest time. and now i'm finally getting it. feels quite good actually (over je kan? i don't even know if i'm going to do a good job there)
oh yeah, there was another thing that lifted up my mood a little bit yesterday. my platinum credit card has arrived. when i was younger, i have thought about whether i'd be able to get a platinum card and when would i get it. i now have the answer. 27. not bad la kan. and since i'm paying 600 a year on annual fees, i think i deserve some bragging rights in my blog. kan? kan? kan? hahaha..
habisla lepas ni everytime buat credit card payment kena tunjuk id. they are very discriminating towards fil*pino-looking blokes like me over here you know.
stupid country.
p.s: i actually missed the blog's second anniversary. it was a few days before the raya. i was busy with some stuff. nonetheless, happy birthday blog!
i always feel lousy whenever i have to come back here, but this time around i feel a lot lousier. maybe because i was in the middle of the raya mood, and suddenly everything i was rudely interrupted. time was up. time to come back to this country
this raya has been a good one for me. no major dramas (minor dramas definitely ada la.. after all it's MY family). but overall, it was good. all my siblings were at home on the first day and we spent time taking group photos (without my parents though, since they were out beraya at my uncle's place) of the 7 of us. the photographers - my 14 year old nephew and 13 year old niece. and the had to take the shots while making sure the younger nephews and nieces stayed out of the pictures. quite hilarious actually.. hehehe.
it was also a good raya because my baju melayu and sampin looked nice (boleh ke ni? well in the spirit of honesty kan... :P). and since the last time many of my relatives saw me was almost 2 years ago, i did receive some nice comments from them (i've lost a bit of weight la since 2 years ago..). kembang kempis la jugak hidung kena puji hari tu.. heheh.
but everything needs to come to an end. being an unconfirmed employee, everything has to end sooner than most people. i was practically dragging my feet to board the plane... thinking of how much fun it would be if i was able to stay longer. or if i didn't have to come back at all. actually thought of giving a 24-hour notice and pack up and leave the first day i was in the office (it was just a thought la... i'm not that spontaneous of a person. i plan almost everything). but luckily things started to look up a little bit in the afternoon. i found out that i'll be travelling to lebanon and egypt for three weeks next month for work. finally - an overseas assignment (i know i work in d*bai, but that doesn't count. i'm based here). i've never been sent for overseas assignments before. somehow being sent overseas for work is like a validation that your expertise is needed and valued so highly that they need to bring you in to their country for your expertise (it could also mean that since audit is based in the HQ, they don't have any auditors based in the overseas offices. but what i said earlier sounds more canggih. so i'm sticking to that.. eheh). i've been wanting to have this opportunity for the longest time. and now i'm finally getting it. feels quite good actually (over je kan? i don't even know if i'm going to do a good job there)
oh yeah, there was another thing that lifted up my mood a little bit yesterday. my platinum credit card has arrived. when i was younger, i have thought about whether i'd be able to get a platinum card and when would i get it. i now have the answer. 27. not bad la kan. and since i'm paying 600 a year on annual fees, i think i deserve some bragging rights in my blog. kan? kan? kan? hahaha..
habisla lepas ni everytime buat credit card payment kena tunjuk id. they are very discriminating towards fil*pino-looking blokes like me over here you know.
stupid country.
p.s: i actually missed the blog's second anniversary. it was a few days before the raya. i was busy with some stuff. nonetheless, happy birthday blog!
hmm..kemain heh,trus platinum gitu...kire what u u give u get back la..
anyway, Slmt Aidilfitri...again, x bjumpa lg..xpe2...
n hapy 2nd anniversay to the blog...
Anonymous, at October 23, 2007 5:31 AM
sorry ter-miss nak jumpa... i thot u balik sunday, then zal told me u left saturday morning..
dah pindah umah ke?
Anonymous, at October 23, 2007 6:59 AM
welcome back... platinum card?? ..not platinum blond??... rick
Anonymous, at October 23, 2007 2:28 PM
wah.. ke lebanon... i doa supaya office u tak kena serangan bom berani mati... hehehe
Anonymous, at October 24, 2007 8:29 PM
2 years of blogging...congrats. hopefully it won't be like mine - 2 years, then terus died-ed.
Anonymous, at October 25, 2007 8:36 AM
Ooh Platinum. Bila nak belanja makan kat Dubai ni!
savante, at October 25, 2007 11:07 AM
selamat hari raya! sorry la beb.. balik seminggu je. enough time for family and scandals jerk. hiks.
yup.. balik saturday. mana penah i balik sunday.. rugi la balik sunday kan..
belum pindah lagi. end of december. it's going to be a big headache - i can tell already.
platinum blonde? takleh la.. doesn't go with my eyes. hahaha.
i hope i have some fridge magnets from kenya coming my way soon... hahaha.
terima kasih la sanggup doakan aku mcm tu.
aku doakan supaya lepas operation mata ko tak buta.
well... admittedly momentum's a bit slower as compared to last year... but as long as i'm here, i'd be blogging insyallah...
ha datanglah! anytime doc! :)
aiskrem_potong, at November 05, 2007 11:58 PM
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