GET OUT!!!! Damn you!! Freakin jealous siut!! I was contemplating of buying that one but it's outta my budget pulak. So, I had to settle with SE W810i. How's the phone so far?? Must be gathering envious stares from ppl every time you pick up a call, huh??! Dah-lah berkelip2 pulak tu. ;p
*dies of jealousy*
p/s: You can dload Will & Grace fr torrent sites such as or If you want, next time when we have the chance to meet up, bawak aje cd kosong (I think better use blank DVD sbb besar saiz) and I'll burn it for you. How's that sound??!! Heheh!!
my thoughts on being a malay.. wait - being a malay plu.. wait wait - being a 'not-so-hunky' malay plu. basically... i just write what i want to write. it's MY blog anyway ;P... and yes, i call it aiskrempotong-ism!
GET OUT!!!! Damn you!! Freakin jealous siut!! I was contemplating of buying that one but it's outta my budget pulak. So, I had to settle with SE W810i. How's the phone so far?? Must be gathering envious stares from ppl every time you pick up a call, huh??! Dah-lah berkelip2 pulak tu. ;p
*dies of jealousy*
p/s: You can dload Will & Grace fr torrent sites such as or If you want, next time when we have the chance to meet up, bawak aje cd kosong (I think better use blank DVD sbb besar saiz) and I'll burn it for you. How's that sound??!! Heheh!!
akihisa, at November 18, 2006 9:21 PM
show off! :P
asm@di, at November 20, 2006 5:14 AM
better than chocolate...
Anonymous, at November 20, 2006 7:32 AM
That comes from higher pay in Dubai possibly :) See! There are good points about working there.
savante, at November 20, 2006 7:34 AM
ish ish canggih la tu. aper macam? sukanya la dia tu. tak ader ke sarong. ha kena ter-gores nanti, sakit hati pulak. ngek ngek...
Anonymous, at November 21, 2006 4:14 AM
ni mesti malas nak buat entry ni, post gambar je nampak...
Anonymous, at November 22, 2006 7:51 AM
berlagak. keji.
*cries because am still using old phone*
Musang, at November 23, 2006 10:33 PM
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